Thursday, November 30, 2006

Love affairs and Suicides

Love affairs and Suicides
Now a days relations seem to be fractured. As a result morality has almost disappeared that we find many disturbances in relationship focusing over the present day picture of society.
Especially talking about love relation, it’s the only element which has its win eternal existence. Our ancient scriptures and other sources have been advocating love since it took its place on the earth.

The element of love is a zeal creating factor for life at which no one can connive at. The stage of ‘loving’ and ‘being loved’ comes in everyone’s life at least at once. But rarely a few persons run smooth on this way in life. In between the relational intercourse the lovers struggle much far beyond their expectations. What happens that commit suicide being failed in love. For this reckless step the only responsible reason is that they could not ground strong or couldn’t prove them selves as they wanted to be… As a reflection, in this regard many of us are strict on the view that all those were ‘cowards’ who did so. But has anyone ever thought to look at it seriously? Perhaps … not..!

Let’s take some examples of films related to the issue.


As a reaction, these films proved boomerang that number of lovers committed suicides and that’s why these films were banned as reported by the newspapers.
Why do the lovers commit suicides?

In response to this question so many reasons automatically throw light on our mind. The reasons given below are primarily responsible for the suicide.

· Lack of courage to convince the parents.
· Lack of confidence in relationship.
· Lack of compromise with situations.
· Maladjustment about career/future.
· Wall of castes.
· Pessimistic attitude toward life.

So far my point of view is concerned; suicides can be prevented at some extent. As we know the coin contains two sides- on one side we get its responsible reasons. Similarly on the other side there are several remedial aspects which are likely to be proven effective positively.

· Mature decisions.
· Positive attitude towards life.
· Proper management for future/ career.
· Courage to compromise with situations.
· Dare to struggle against the conflicts.
· Optimistic vision towards life.

If we love someone heartily, we must have courage to live even being parted from our loving one.
I would say further:
“Fire of separation and parting shapes,
Newly, an idol of love, eternal”
Concluding the discussion I prefer to ask you;
What would you decide passing through this way?

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